In Math this week, we used Digi-Blocks to understand place value. We are working on adding, trying to find different ways to make 10; then we will work our way up to adding and subtracting within 1000. Also, we will use this knowledge to continue the relationship between addition and subtraction.
In Reading, we discussed the question of the week, what we may learn by trading with one another, and understood that we all have knowledge.
I have completed all the DIBELS and DOLCH Reading tests for each student this week. The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. DOLCH is the list of sight words that students should be able to read by their grade level. At this age group, students are expected to read 70 words correct per minute with 95% accuracy and retell using at least 20 words with meaningful sequence of the story.
Next week, the students will take a computerized math assessment powered by Star Math. This assessment will help guide instructional groups.
Also starting Monday is Walk to Read. Students have been groped by the District ELA team and our principal based on reading abilities and assessment scores. Students go to the particular teacher who will be teaching their group.
Our class consists of 24 students as of today; we will soon be at capacity of 26 students. 13 boys, and 11 girls. 15 students are reading far below grade level due to many different circumstances. Some students have either never had any schooling prior to arriving in my class, have had interrupted schooling due to war or financial issues, or have no one at home who can help them practice English.
Third Grade Math Practice
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